Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Insightful Comments

I started following Jacob, Macie, and Alex.

Greetings Jacob. i have no idea why i am even bothering to comment on this post of yours seeing as how two people that are obviously much greater than myself have already blessed you with there glorious words. But i agree with Macie and Richard in that you sir are a good writer. You can definitely tell that you wrote this because it matches you attitude so well. But I'm sure you are like me in that by the end of the year you will find blogging interesting and fun... maybe... probably not.

Wow Macie, I am surprised to see that no one has already commented on your blog because of how awesome you are but I am honored to be the first one! Your blog was very amusing to me and I enjoyed every second that I was reading it. Your writing style really matches your personality which is a good thing. You should not be worried about writing these blogs because you are a natural in my opinion. But as the year progresses I am sure that you will enjoy blogging more and more!

Salutations Alex. You should not worry about your blogging skills because this was very well written. You say you are scared but there really is nothing to be scared of, after all Mrs. Hayes gives us plenty of time to do them so you can get them done. I hope you feel the same as i do when i say that blogging is not as foreign to me now and is actually kind of a good alternative to class work. Well stick in there Alex, you will be fine.

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