Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Video of the Author and Main Character

                                                                While I was searching the web for ideas about the possible blogs I was lucky enough to come across an interview with the author and one of the main characters, Salva. This is a very good video that shows how Salva is doing now and how this book actually originated, which I found very interesting. It also goes into detail about how Salva is now helping his home country of Sudan, Africa by setting up fresh water lines in the towns where there has never been fresh water before. In my opinion I think that that is really cool and nice of Salva to do that for his old roots especially since he knew himself what it was like not to have fresh water. If you have read the book then i highly suggest watching this video because it gives you a nice amount of background information to the book. If you haven't read the book yet, you can still watch it to get an understanding of it!

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